Global Shipping Trends Optimize Supply Chain Logistics

With the rise of e-commerce and the shipping standards set by Amazon, customers now have rising expectations on global delivery. Retailers and couriers are embracing this challenge, using automation and technology to make supply chain logistics faster, easier, and compatible with the 21st century.

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MIT’s Cheetah 3 Robot Doesn’t Need Sight to Navigate Stairs

When we first met the Cheetah, a four-legged robot built by engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the machine was, frankly, not all that fascinating. Sure, it could run pretty quickly for a robot. But at 10 mph, the Cheetah was hardly as impressive as Boston Dynamics’ line of robo-dogs, nor could it keep up with its living, feline counterpart.

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Futuristic Bandage Can Monitor Wounds & Deliver Drug Treatment

A smart bandage, capable of monitoring a wound and delivering periodic drug treatments, has been developed by a team of researchers at Tufts University. Currently just a prototype, the technology detailed in a recent paper in the journal Small could someday help transform medical treatment, enabling a doctor to more closely monitor her patient’s condition, while more actively treating it.

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Are Hydrogen Cars the Transport of the Future?

Diesel is dead, petrols are to be outlawed and the future is all-electric. So scream the headlines and it’s true that the long-term future of conventionally fuelled vehicles seems to be bleak but is the future really going to be all about battery-powered electric cars?

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Smart Factories Just Got Smarter

The proliferation of data, and the tools technology has given us to make sense of this data, has made sizeable inroads in changing the way many industries operate. In manufacturing, the rise of ‘smart factories’ has re-invented the way factories operate, leveraging data, analytics and ‘connected everything’ to enable unprecedented levels of automation and optimisation.

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Leading People Through Technological Change

It used to be that the barriers to entry in manufacturing were high. Entering the market required enormous investment. While that is still the case for many organisations, because technology is changing so rapidly, new younger and dynamic organisations are entering the market and chasing market share.

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Learning to Embrace Intelligent Machines in the New World of Work

While the impacts of machine intelligence (A.I. and machine learning) have been hotly debated, and even provoke anxiety in some, this group of technologies continues to accelerate at a remarkable pace. In fact, according to IDC, global spending on A.I. solutions will continue to see significant corporate investment, achieving revenues of more than $46 billion by 2020.

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How You Can Benefit From Sustainable Manufacturing

Manufacturing does not have to be a wasteful or uneconomical process. Adopting sustainable manufacturing can help maintain your business. Benefits from sustainability will go beyond just the walls of your facility. Not only will your company be more productive, it can also have a lower negative impact on society, the environment and the economy.

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How CNC Routers Have Advanced Technologically

With the way AI is developing in the computer field, CNC routers bring in different controls as a way of improving the stability and performance of the whole system. CNC technology and its equipment are developing to help meet the market’s needs. This has led to many changes in the CNC router industry in the last decade, including software and technology.

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Are You Cobot Ready?

Steve Jobs once said, “Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” In the manufacturing industry, collaborative robots are joining the team to achieve even greater things. Here Jonathan Wilkins, marketing director of industrial obsolete parts supplier EU Automation, explains how to manage a mixed team of collaborative robots and humans.

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