How should set-up time be factored into the OEE calculation?
Read MoreThe pace of digital transformation in the manufacturing industry is relentless. In this article Kevin discusses five key takeaways from the recently published Manufacturing 2020 industry report.
Read MoreThanks to data and the IoT, the industrial shipping journey needn't be fraught with uncharted waters and black holes.
Read MoreThe threat that cyber-attacks pose to manufacturing facilities can result in either physical and non-physical damage, or a combination of the two. A cyber-attack on a manufacturing facility could be purely data focused, designed to steal intellectual property, whether that is unique manufacturing processes or other trade secrets. Alternatively, a cyber-attack could be designed to create physical disruption to the industrial control systems, causing machinery to malfunction or grind to a halt completely.
Read MoreTesla did it: The arguably over-hyped EV car maker has delivered on founder and CEO Elon Musk’s bold claims of making 35,000 vehicles in the first quarter.
Read MoreAfter-sales service is in a period of technological disruption like the industry has never seen. And leading this charge are artificial intelligence and machine learning. Set to be worth more than $9 billion by 2020, predictive analytics is poised to open up business intelligence doors for manufacturers, and also have a dramatic impact on productivity.
Read MoreAtechnology company has become one of the first in the world to microchip staff so they can clock-in by waving their arm, rather than using swipe cards or ID badges.
Read MoreRobots in logistics and warehouse applications are much more cost-justifiable than they used to be.
Read MoreFew aspects of the manufacturing process remain untouched by the dramatic changes of smart technology and digitalization strategies — quality control included. What was once an easily defined, compartmentalized field in the industry, has been turned upside down, stretched, and blurred into something vast and complex. As manufacturers struggle to update their overall shop floor processes, they must also take time to update their quality control methods.
Read MoreRuban Phukan, Co-founder and Chief Product and Analytics Officer at Progress DataRPM, discusses the age-old battle with bottlenecks and the role of predictive analytics in manufacturing.
Read MoreIn the competitive and quickly evolving manufacturing sector, how can you grow your business, while managing risks and costs and boosting profitability?
Read MoreThe manufacturing industry is changing as customer expectations change – changes in B2B to B2B2C are forcing manufacturers to become more customer-centric, claims Eclipse, a DXC technology firm.
Read MoreWe Take a Look at Electric Car Battery Life, Care and Warranties.Apprehension over the range and lifespan of the electric car battery are two of the main reasons that buyers are reluctant to make the switch from cars that run on petrol or diesel.
Read MorePepper is a friendly robotic fella who can interact with humans and even be your best buddy, if you like.
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Dyson, the engineering company best known for its vacuum cleaners and fans, plans to spend £2bn developing a "radical" electric car.
Read MoreBoarding a flight at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) may no longer require digging out that boarding pass and passport — all you need is your face. On Monday, March 19, the Lufthansa Group airline announced the launch of biometric boarding at LAX. The announcement comes after the airline successfully tested the tool and boarded about 350 passengers on an A380 in only 20 minutes.
"Tired of those long dreaded lines to board a plane? LAX is currently piloting a facial recognition program to avoid such hassels."
Read MoreFor investors in, WebVan and eToys, the bursting of the dotcom bubble came as a bit of a shock.
Companies like this raised vast sums on the promise that the worldwide web would change everything. Then, in the spring of 2000, stock markets collapsed.
Read MoreThe Chinese government has invested $2 million in a prototype filtration system intended to reduce the effects of smog in urban areas. Initial tests suggest that it's capable of emitting up to 8 million cubic meters of filtered air every day.
Read MoreEmployees welcome AI if it automates time-consuming internal processes, helps better balance their workload or increases fairness in subjective decisions.
Read MoreA biological material that has existed for millions of years may find new applications in modern electronics. A team of scientists from UC Santa Cruz, the University of Washington, and the Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason discovered that shark “jelly” is the highest proton conductive biological substance ever found, according to GizMag.
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