Cyber-Risk – How Can Manufacturers Reduce Cyber-Risk and Recover Following a Cyber-Attack?

The threat that cyber-attacks pose to manufacturing facilities can result in either physical and non-physical damage, or a combination of the two. A cyber-attack on a manufacturing facility could be purely data focused, designed to steal intellectual property, whether that is unique manufacturing processes or other trade secrets. Alternatively, a cyber-attack could be designed to create physical disruption to the industrial control systems, causing machinery to malfunction or grind to a halt completely.

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AI, Machine Learning & Modern Manufacturing Productivity

After-sales service is in a period of technological disruption like the industry has never seen. And leading this charge are artificial intelligence and machine learning. Set to be worth more than $9 billion by 2020, predictive analytics is poised to open up business intelligence doors for manufacturers, and also have a dramatic impact on productivity.

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The Changing Face Of Quality Control In The Era Of Smart Manufacturing

Few aspects of the manufacturing process remain untouched by the dramatic changes of smart technology and digitalization strategies — quality control included. What was once an easily defined, compartmentalized field in the industry, has been turned upside down, stretched, and blurred into something vast and complex. As manufacturers struggle to update their overall shop floor processes, they must also take time to update their quality control methods.

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Electric Car Battery Life Explained

We Take a Look at Electric Car Battery Life, Care and Warranties.Apprehension over the range and lifespan of the electric car battery are two of the main reasons that buyers are reluctant to make the switch from cars that run on petrol or diesel.

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Board 350 Passengers In 20 Minutes? Facial Recognition Passes Testing At LAX

Boarding a flight at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) may no longer require digging out that boarding pass and passport — all you need is your face. On Monday, March 19, the Lufthansa Group airline announced the launch of biometric boarding at LAX. The announcement comes after the airline successfully tested the tool and boarded about 350 passengers on an A380 in only 20 minutes.

"Tired of those long dreaded lines to board a plane? LAX is currently piloting a facial recognition program to avoid such hassels." 

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