Supply Chain Secret – Automation Is Only Part of Success

Let’s take a look at the recommended components of Supply Chain Management and then let’s bring it back to the basics.  No matter the size of your distribution or manufacturing company; the very most important concept is to be able to know what inventory you currently have on hand.  This is normally handled within an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).

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5 Manufacturing Applications for Robotics in 2018

Manufacturers and engineers tend to have a love-hate relationship with robotics. Millennials typically favor next-gen robotics due to their efficiency and ease of use, but older generations are more skeptical about their benefits. For them, the fear of industrial automation taking over the jobs of human workers is already very tangible.

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Wearables Cause EMS to Take a Cue from Fashion Industry

As electronic manufacturing services (EMS) companies morph into supply chain companies and electronics seeps into every part of our existence, supply chains are colliding.  One of the more obvious current collisions is that of the electronics manufacturing industry and the apparel industry in the field of wearables.

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Everything You Need To Know About Ethernet Cables

I really hate Wi-Fi, and you should too. If you own your own home or your landlord doesn’t mind a few holes in the wall, running gigabit Ethernet around the house is the best thing you can do for a faster computing experience. But what’s all this about Cat 6 or crossover cables? Here’s everything you need to know about Ethernet cabling.I really hate Wi-Fi, and you should too. If you own your own home or your landlord doesn’t mind a few holes in the wall, running gigabit Ethernet around the house is the best thing you can do for a faster computing experience. But what’s all this about Cat 6 or crossover cables? Here’s everything you need to know about Ethernet cabling.

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Capability Trumps Capacity in EMS Industry

After two decades of concentrating on capacity, the focus of the electronics manufacturing services (EMS) industry now is shifting to capability, with competencies including manufacturing skills and supply chain management gaining in importance, according to IHS iSuppli EMS & ODM Market Research at information and analytics provider IHS Inc.

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Wearable Tech for the Construction Industry

Wearable technology has reached a point where it has become nearly as ubiquitous as smartphones. Smart watches, healthcare monitors, fitness trackers and other gadgets have invaded and become a part of our daily lives. Many people just put these devices on as an ordinary aspect of life and use the technology to enhance routine activities. 

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To Win, Focus on Speed, Not Just Cost

What's the winning business proposition in today's outsourced electronics manufacturing business? Surprisingly, the answer is not cost, leverage, or the aggregation of supply and demand, three attributes often cited as principal virtues by outsourced manufacturing firms. Instead, in our view, the key factor for success in the current business environment for outsourced manufacturing is speed -- delivering reduced time to market.

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"China Phenomenon": Chinese Manufacturers Turn Heads at CES 2018

AI assistants, robots, unmanned cars and VR/AR turned heads at this year's CES, which opened in Las Vegas on January 9th. Notably, the number of Chinese exhibitors on display at the event left a deep impression on American visitors. Rather than being sidelined to a minor role, as had been the case in previous sessions of the annual event, Chinese exhibitors, to quite an extent, outrivaled their American, Japanese and South Korean counterparts when they displayed some best-in-class high-tech products, becoming this year's eye-catchers.

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What Every Moldmaker Should Know About Injection Molding

Let’s examine what every moldmaker should know about the injection molding process by breaking down the path a plastic pellet takes as it is transformed from a pellet to a part. This includes raw materials, the fundamentals of viscosity curves, Melt Flow Index, Melt Flow Rate, shear and more.

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Chinese Government Attempts to Rebrand “Made in China” Products

The manufacturing industry is going through some extreme changes as new developments in technology and automation make their mark. This is a global phenomena, and innovation and creative collaboration is at the root of it all. Not only are American and western manufacturers investing in new technology to change the perception of the manufacturing industry, China has been taking a look at their own manufacturing industry as well. As everyone knows, “Made in China” products are everywhere, most likely you can look around right now and spot multiple products that are at least assembled in a Chinese factory.

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The Importance of On-Time Payment in the Supply Chain

I was at a recent podium discussion on the topic of automation in electronic manufacturing and I heard a robotics supplier refer to data as "the lubricant of the industry." In the supply chain, I suspect that cash is the lubricant, the commodity that makes everything run that little bit better, that little bit smoother.

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