IBM Announces Record Breaking New Data Storage Device

In partnership with Sony Storage Media Solutions, IBM has broken its previous record for the world’s densest tape drive, announcing a product capable of storing 330 terabytes of uncompressed data. That’s more storage than the world’s biggest hard drives, capable of holding about 330 million books. The tape drive’s cartridge could fit into the palm of a person’s hand.IBM and Sony's successful development of a magnetic tape storage cartridge that can store more than 300+ terabytes of data is sure to make some huge ripples in the data storage industry, even the cloud platforms! Thanks Futurism for this update!

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Microsoft and Facebook's 4,000 Mile Long Subsea Cable Has Been Completed

Work on Marea, a high-capacity subsea cable spanning the 6,437 kilometers (4,000 miles) between Bilbao, Spain, and Virginia Beach, Virginia, has been completed. Microsoft and Facebook collaborated on the development, design, and implementation of the cable, while a third partner, global communication infrastructure specialist Telxius, was responsible for its construction and will take care of maintenance.

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Here's How RED's Holographic Smartphone Display Will Work

Cinematic camera maker RED has a smartphone on the way – the Hydrogen, which boasts a great video camera as well as a “holographic display” that we know relatively little about, despite MKBHD getting some hands-on time with the phone ahead of its release. Now, we know more because RED CEO Jim Jannard named HP Labs spin-out Leia Inc. as the display tech partner (via Engadget).

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Apple's Massive iPhone Launches Teach Demand Forecasting Lessons

Whether facing a major product launch or compiling standard monthly forecasts, the accuracy of demand forecasts are crucial. No one understands this as intimately as Apple who is fresh off of its much-anticipated iPhone X, 8, and 8 Plus product launches. Apple, despite its affinity for releasing limited amounts of its highly demanded new devices to further stoke demand, offers an interesting example of the complexities associated with forecasting.

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Flexible, Printed Electronics Offer Lightweight Alternative

By 2030, electronics content will account for 50 percent of an automobile’s total production cost. Earlier this decade, it was only 30 percent. As the amount of onboard electronic components increases, packaging and weight become critical issues facing automotive engineers. The solution may be a new breed of flexible electronics.

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Why 3D Printing Won't Replace Traditional Technology

Despite 3D printing’s continued growth, there are some limitations that the technology isn’t able to surpass. 3D printing has already been used in what can be considered mass production. Boeing is printing more than 200 parts into its planes, Airbus will be 3D printing in excess of 30 tons of parts a month next year, and GE has its Leap Engine. 

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The Top 5 Mistakes Made on Printed Circuit Board Layout

There are a few mistakes that I see over and over when it comes to hardware design. More specifically, I see errors with the design of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) that connects and holds all of the electronic components together. Okay, lets now look at 5 of the most common PCB mistakes that I see when reviewing other designs.

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Lean Implementers: Don't Forget Engineering!

Just about everybody says that the involvement and personal engagement of top management is the main challenge in Lean implementation. “Key to the success of lean manufacturing,” said the keynote speaker at an industry association meeting in Santa Clara, CA, “is that the leadership team needs to fully buy into the method and remove workplace obstacles so that employees can achieve results.” While he didn’t say it, I am sure his audience heard that management doing as he says is all it takes to implement Lean successfully.

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Connectors Get Smaller, Tougher for Wearables

Wearable electronics - whether they are smart watches, smart glasses, personal health monitors, or electronics embedded in clothing - continue to be one of the biggest sectors driving demand for miniature connectors that are able to withstand the rigors of a wide range of environments. Connector suppliers have responded with parts that tolerate extremes of temperature, humidity, and moisture while providing tiny form factors that are able to reside within cleverly packaged electronic devices.

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